Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thing # 23

The last thing! Wow what a journey this has been. I have definitely learned a lot. And there will be some things that I will continue with and others I will let go. Librarything wasn't that interesting for me. I have the real books at home on my shelves, I don't need to create a virtual bookshelf as well. But I really liked RSS feeds - I have the one for USA Today, entertainment. It keeps me up to date on new titles (movies and books) and events and happenings that might effect our circulation. I have already used it to my coworkers saying 'have you heard about this?'

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thing # 22


No it isn't a disease - just our way to downloadable audio books. This thing is easy for me, I am in charge of this wonderful resource! And I just downloaded the new console to my computer in anticipation of the new site that we will be offering (hopefully next week) iPod compatibility. The titles aren't the newest, but it is a start and we will see how it goes.

Things #15 and 16


There are a blue millions great reasons for libraries to get into Wikis. Having the interaction with customers over favorite books and titles. Getting suggestions and new ideas, it would be amazing.

And posting on CML's PBwiki made me really long for the summer when I added my favorite vacation place: South Haven. Is winter over yet?!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thing # 19

AS one who loves just about any shortcut I can take (lazy is another word) I can't believe how much I use the highlighter feature on the CML toolbar. I do a lot of back and forth searching when looking for reviews or the title someone has requested. one less click on the mouse or typing of words (and backspacing because I can't type!) Just wonderful!

Thing # 18

I looked at

My husband used this several years ago when looking for a job. He posted his resume and then sat back and waited. I scoffed - this was not the way to look for a job! Even the want ads would be better! But amazingly enough he did get several good responses and interviews. And was offered a job!

It is a very easy to use site. And somewhere libaries as a profession haven't turned to much. After all we post and we get lots of applicants! But I think we are missing some of the younger crowd we want to attract. This is where they start. So we will need a presence there as well.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thing # 17 Google Docs

I see lots of possibilities for this application. What a great way to have a committee or work group that is from all over the system work together to put a document together. Actually, personally I see this as a good thing for the dance studio I am involved with. We are starting to have more events and so need more fliers. This will be an easy way for all of us to work on them. Thanks!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


OK - so the one the got me to write on the thing is not library related - not even close. But it did get me thinking, and that's good enough. It was about cat flushing the toilet and watching and trying to catch the water as it went down. Very funny and I could relate to it. One of my cats loves the water in the toilet, luckily she hasn't learned how to flush yet. That would be an expensive water bill. But I realized that someone else is like me and my world and that was nice. I also use Youtube to look at previews for DVD's (if they are there) often much better way to find out about the content than from a review.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Podcasts - thing # 21

Going out of order again. But when I saw this one, I was like aha! I already do this! Yeah! I have set up ones to listen to as I work on projects where I don't need to actively think, but can enjoy listening. I have found several NPR shows that I never can seem to catch: On the Media, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and then of course my guilty pleasure: Mugglecast.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thing # 14 Library 2.0

Wow, what a challenge: imagine what we and the library will be. I do see things that are happening now, that I know we are going to do (just want them to happen faster- I always hate waiting to open presents): customers tagging materials in the catalog. Funny I almost wrote 'our materials' We are a public library and that is who the materials our for- so why would I want to write that? An old hold out thought for 'standard librarianship'- Freudian slip of the tongue?

I want to see what access points are created! And I love the reviews on Amazon. Yes there are the crackpot ones- but there are also the very thought out and honestly critical. I usually turn to Amazon for reviews when I am not sure about a title. Hasn't let me down yet. At the same time, I wonder if we are coming to the party too late. Amazon works because the website is its customers only access to its store. We have our physical buildings, and many customers that don't use the catalog for browsing. We won't know until we take that step through the veil and see what is on the other side.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

thing #13


I really got into this one! I like that I can set up all the sites I go to regularly. It is much easier than what I had in the favorites file on IE. And now I can easily switch between Firefox and IE! I am still not sure about the social bookmarking part. But I will continue to use the site after this. Thanks!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thing # 12

Twitter. I am such an old fart. I can see how people can get sucked into this, but I really don't have an interest myself. The best example I saw for using twitter was Project Rungay used it on their blog when they were at Bryant Park. Breaking news of who the see and what they are wearing - very funny. I can see some use in Libraries - set up Twitter for the quick look what is happening for customers. An easy way to get the word out to people.

my twitter:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thing #11


Just started adding titles. Felt very momentuous trying to decide what 'face' I should show to the world. I started with some of my favorite reads growing up and included one that I read to my kids. You will probably be able to guess that one! Here is my catalog:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Image generators - Thing 10

I started this task by looking around for a site that I didn't have to start another account on! Sorry but I am passworded out for the moment.

So I googled image generators and found this one: This one is fun. You type in a word or phrase and the site brings back the image. This one is the first one I got. I like it.

Also found:

I think I have found some Christmas presents here!

Friday, September 12, 2008


I am on a roll trying to get through some of the tasks listed and putting aside my 'real'work!
Just went and made my account for Bloglines. And actually I can see some good use for my work. We are canceling our subscription to USA Today next year. And I found two feeds that will be very helpful for us selectors to follow new books, movies-DVDs. That will be very nice!

Here is where my list is located:

I probably will be adding to it!


Mashups this week's thing. I looked at some and really got intrigued by Retrievr. You choose a color and the thickness of the line and you draw in the box. Then Flickr will give you images that suggest what you've drawn. I played around and finally choose an image from two purple lines making a curtian like shape at the top of the box. Here is the address to the picture I liked best:

I don't have an account, so couldn't bring it over. But I still like the photo.


I just loved this one when I found it on Flickr. Reminds of me of helping my parents in the garden and getting ready for fall. We would eat corn on the cob and fresh tomates almost every day until we were sick of them. (hard to believe that could happen) and then the rest were canned or frozen for winter. Yum!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thing 7

Yes, I am doing the tasks out of order - Gasp! I was all set to try Flickr, but I can't remember our library's password for the internet filter. So I can go directly to some pictures there, but can't browse around. There is hope for me - I do know next month's password, so will try then.

In the meantime - this post is to be about anything technology related! Although I do find it ironic that I wanted to do something technology related, but our computer system foiled that!

For the most part, I really enjoy the internet. I like being able to shop from home - even though I live in a city. I don't enjoy going to a store and trying to figure out where something might be. Drives me nuts. I want to find what I want and buy it. Amazon is great for this! I just type in what I think it might be and usually I do find what I am looking for! Love it. However I don't get the whole connecting, socialization thing. It is not for me. I understand why people like it and want to, but hell I don't even turn on my cell phone! I am still in the age where you kept everything private.
Now it is good for me to learn. I have two kids who will probably be very into it. I want to know what they could get into! Nothing like panic to keep you on your toes.
The picture is my husband, Scott and our kids Talia and Ryan. This is from last year up on Lake Michigan just after a storm came through. It just blew the soft dry sand completely off the harder packed damp sand. You can still see it blowing.
And for the final plea from our Thing 7 moderator: I did look around at a few other CMLer's blogs. I liked that several always started with a picture, so I am going to try that as well.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Photos from my daughter

I'm trying to add images to a post today. I realize this isn't hard, but it is my first time and that is a sort of a big deal for me.

My daughter, Talia got a camera for her birthday this year and has been taking pictures ever since. She has a good eye for composition (I think) It is better than mine. I try to hard to get that 'casual' look. She's got it at nine years old. The images could be clearer, but I blame that on the camera itself - it's cheap. I am curious to see how she progresses. Of course I had to wade through the dozenz (and I mean dozens) of fuzzy/blurry shadowed pictures to find these tow. And for some reason she really got a kick out of taking pictures of the TV. Once she forgets about what is in the file, they will be gone!

The flowers are from our back yard and the cactus is from the Frederick Meijer Gardens in Michigan.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Learn and Play Journey

I watched the video on life long learning. Now I need to write down which one is the hardest for me and which one is the easiest, or something like that. I find that actually writing down my goals is difficult. I am not sure if it because I am eager to get started and I already 'know' what I want to accomplish - so why do I need to write it down. Yeah, I know it is suppose to help and keep you on track, just have a hard time with that. Oh, well.

All the other guidelines (there are 7 1/2) I do. I did like seeing the last one about teaching/mentoring others. I teach a dance class and have found that my skills and technique have inproved because I teach. I am definitely more aware of how a dance move should go and I like that I can help others learn how to as well.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Post Ever!

OK, I set up this blog for the library I work for. We get to learn how to use many fun tools that are out on the internet, including blogs! So here I am. Amazingly typing away. I just start with writing about my experiences with learning (some) new web tools. I will have to see how far afield I will want to stretch myself.