Friday, September 26, 2008

Thing # 12

Twitter. I am such an old fart. I can see how people can get sucked into this, but I really don't have an interest myself. The best example I saw for using twitter was Project Rungay used it on their blog when they were at Bryant Park. Breaking news of who the see and what they are wearing - very funny. I can see some use in Libraries - set up Twitter for the quick look what is happening for customers. An easy way to get the word out to people.

my twitter:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thing #11


Just started adding titles. Felt very momentuous trying to decide what 'face' I should show to the world. I started with some of my favorite reads growing up and included one that I read to my kids. You will probably be able to guess that one! Here is my catalog:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Image generators - Thing 10

I started this task by looking around for a site that I didn't have to start another account on! Sorry but I am passworded out for the moment.

So I googled image generators and found this one: This one is fun. You type in a word or phrase and the site brings back the image. This one is the first one I got. I like it.

Also found:

I think I have found some Christmas presents here!

Friday, September 12, 2008


I am on a roll trying to get through some of the tasks listed and putting aside my 'real'work!
Just went and made my account for Bloglines. And actually I can see some good use for my work. We are canceling our subscription to USA Today next year. And I found two feeds that will be very helpful for us selectors to follow new books, movies-DVDs. That will be very nice!

Here is where my list is located:

I probably will be adding to it!


Mashups this week's thing. I looked at some and really got intrigued by Retrievr. You choose a color and the thickness of the line and you draw in the box. Then Flickr will give you images that suggest what you've drawn. I played around and finally choose an image from two purple lines making a curtian like shape at the top of the box. Here is the address to the picture I liked best:

I don't have an account, so couldn't bring it over. But I still like the photo.


I just loved this one when I found it on Flickr. Reminds of me of helping my parents in the garden and getting ready for fall. We would eat corn on the cob and fresh tomates almost every day until we were sick of them. (hard to believe that could happen) and then the rest were canned or frozen for winter. Yum!